SOFT LIFT™ | Non-Surgical Facelift

As we age, we lose facial volume and gravity begins to drag our facial structures down giving us a “saggy” appearance. In some, this is evident by the presence of jowls, marionette lines and deepening of the skin wrinkles.

For decades, the only option has been a surgical face lift to give the face the lift that it needs. Today, with the advancements in aesthetic medicine, certain medical doctors have trained to achieve the surgical results of a face lift-non surgically.

This is done with a combination of neurotoxin as well as dermal fillers. By extensive evaluation of the face and expertise in aesthetic techniques, SOMA MD is able to skillfully provide this service.

At the time of consultation, a customized plan will be discussed with each patient. Each treatment will be individualized to achieve the best and most natural aesthetic outcomes.


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