SOMA SKIN CARE | Medical Grade Care
What is Soma Skin Care?
SOMA Skin Care is our specialized approach at recommending Medical Grade Skin Care.
Why is it important to use Medical Grade Skincare products?
Much like prescription medications have all been extensively researched and passed through many regulatory authorities to be accessible to the general population, certain skin care goes through a similar process to be accepted as “medical grade”. In simple terms, these products have been proven to be effective at producing great aesthetic long-term outcomes. It is a prescription for your skin.
At SOMA MD, we value your time and trust and would like to give every patient the option of protecting the investment they have made on our procedures.
Our Medical Director has carefully chosen each skin care option. Every individual treatment has been extensively studied and tried to treat the most common skin types and conditions. The result is only the best in Medical Grade Skin Care.
SOMA MD takes great pride in its commitment to provide wholesome and customized care to each individual who comes to see us. We are focussed on the outcomes and are dedicated to recommending a skin care regimen for each person that will best suit their needs.
Carefully chosen evidence-based skin care to target all skin types and individually treat dermatological concerns. Product selection will be individualized based on medical consultation and evaluation of your skin.
*Consultation including pharmaceuticals